Tuesday, December 18, 2007

GEF now has a little Zest

With Eclipse GEF 3.4 M4 comes a new component: Zest.

Zest is a visualization toolkit for Eclipse. The primary goal of Zest is to make graph based programming easy. Using Zest, Graphs are considered SWT Components which have been wrapped using standard JFace viewers. This allows developers to use Zest the same way they use JFace Tables, Trees and Lists.

The Zest Wiki has a simple example showing what you can do.

The best full example of zest is the PDE Incubator Dependency Visualization . The dependency visualization provides a view to help you see the dependency graph for your favorite plug-in.

1 comment:

Jayaprakash said...

Hi Anthony,
I have a question in Graph, i need to draw a graph without opening any kind of dialog( shell or composite) is it possible in Zest? If yes, please let me know, how? If i do not call open(), layout is not applied and GraphNode are appearing overlapped at left top corner. Is there any way o hide a container which holds these Nodes and Connectors?
thanks in advance